The end of a myth : "If it's a virus, no antibiotic, really ?" Dr. Claude Escarguel

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Apocrypha
INTERVIEW - Research on the assistance provided by bacteria in the development of viruses, a kind of "collaboration" which allows the virus to replicate in the human body, started when Prof. Luc Montagnier discovered a germ of Mycoplasma type in a cell of an HIV positive patient (intracellular germ) (1)in 1990. This cooperation between bacteria and viruses is called the “bacteriophage-like mechanism”.
In 1992, this discovery was confirmed in vitro by a team of French researchers (C. Escarguel, G. Papierok, G. Pautrat) specialized in intracellular germs (2) and was the subject of patent number FR2694022 (A1 ), January 28, 1994.
In 1998, it was corroborated by an in vivo study by the French team of the Association Biologie et Coopération (C. Escarguel, P. Lepere and C. Pelissier) (3).
According to the results obtained by many doctors treating their patients with early treatments and by the publications of C. Escarguel, the Covid-19 pandemic offered the opportunity to highlight this mechanism from the beginning of 2020, by noting the effectiveness of certain families of antibiotics (macrolides, cyclins, clofoctol, rifaximin), the latter neutralizing the bacteria “cooperating” with the virus.
Today, the observations made by the team of Dr. Carlo Brogna from the Italian laboratory CRANIOMED have once again shown the validity of the discovery of Prof. Luc Montagnier.
FranceSoir: In what way is this new confirmation by Dr. Carlo Brogna of the existence of bacteria "cooperating" in the replication of a virus in the human body, decisive?
C. Escarguel: Unfortunately, despite the confirmations, in 1992 and 1998, of Prof. Montagnier's discovery and the excellent results of the early treatments against Covid-19 that saved many lives, this was not enough to convince the scientific community and those responsible for managing the Covid-19 pandemic of the effectiveness of these treatments as well as the need to generalize them as quickly as possible.
Therefore, Dr. Brogna's observations laid some important questions on the table :
- Why did those responsible for managing this pandemic refuse to take seriously the discoveries of Prof. Montagnier and our scientific work of 1992 and 1998, when we incessantly kept alerting them since March 2020? That is to say since the publications of the IHU of Marseille on the bitherapy (based on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin) with whom we disagree on the effective molecule.
- Why has the information on the success of early treatments not been massively disseminated by the authorities and by the College of Physicians?
- Why were doctors barred from using early treatments, and why were they subject to disciplinary proceedings for prescribing them?
- Why were paracetamol, rivotril, and then injections of experimental gene substances preferred to proven treatments?
- Why have dozens of emails sent to health authorities, the College of Physicians, and politicians gone unanswered?
- Why did Emmanuel Macron in his capacity as President of the French Republic failed to beat "the system" he mentioned in his email sent to the former Minister of Culture, Françoise Nyssen, on February 5th, 2021? It was then sent back to us.
On: February 05, 2021 at 21:24 (GMT +01:00)
From: "Francoise NYSSEN"
To: xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: letter to the President
And his immediate return
" Tremendous. I really believe in this for a long time but "the system" believes in it too little, it's crazy
I get it. Thanks. I kiss you "
Now, it is hoped that the visual observations by electron microscopy of the team of Dr. Carlo Brogna of the Italian laboratory CRANIOMED, which confirm both the discovery of Prof. Montagnier and our work of 1992 and 1998, will open in the coming years the path to the search for the truth and, therefore, to the answer to the above questions.
Following Dr. Carlo Brogna's observations, the other important question that remains is that of the response to the WHO's priority: "The prevention of septic shock from respiratory viruses (influenza, bronchiolitis, coronavirosis, etc.) by paradoxical early outpatient treatment ” (cf. adapted antibiotic).
FS: How do the observations made by Dr. Carlo Brogna and his teams confirm the usefulness of a treatment against viruses of the Covid-19 type?
C. Escarguel: Recent work by the CRANIOMED laboratory research team, led by Dr. Carlo Brogna, with whom we collaborate, confirms the path of “cooperating” bacteria (4-5). This cooperation is illustrated by a mechanism called "bacteriophage-like", which causes the release of bacterial toxins during bacterial lysis. These toxins (6) act simoulteanously with the action of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its Spike protein on the RAS (renin-angiotensin system).
The photographs taken by the CRANIOMED laboratory with a transmission electron microscope (TEM) illustrate the phenomenon :
In AB and C, various bacteria with walls (gram+ and gram- bacteria) and without walls (mycoplasma and L-form) are observed.
In D and E, we visualize the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) which fractures the wall of the bacteria in order to penetrate them to replicate. SARS-CoV-2 fractures the wall at the red arrows.
In F, we visualize a bacterium without a wall that is attacked by SARS-CoV-2, in order to use it to multiply. The penetration of the virus takes place at the level of the red arrows. Bacteria without walls seem to be easier prey for the virus (common RNA polymerase?).
In G, we visualize two types of cells:
- those at the bottom which is being colonized;
- the top ones which are being lysed (bursting of the bacteria releasing the duplicated SARS-CoV-2 and the toxins from the bacteria).
FS: So these electron microscopy images visually explain the success of the early treatments recommended by many doctors in the treatment of the Covid-19 virus?
C. Escarguel: Yes, indeed. Throughout the world, doctors who have used in early outpatient care (in the first five days following the appearance of the first symptoms) an antibiotic molecule from the following families*: macrolides, cyclins, or Clofoctol (cf. ARTE survey : “ the miracle drug”) noted a drastic drop in lethality: 0.1% compared to 2.3% of patients left on Doliprane. These results have been published (7) and the comparison of the curves of mortality and circulation of the virus, in 2020 (8), shows a strong drop in mortality until the health authorities banned hydroxychloroquine for doctors from the city, while recommending not to treat with antibiotics: Amazing!
Conversely, any other antibiotic therapy, in particular broad-spectrum therapy, intended for the prevention of superinfections (which only appear if the appropriate antibiotic has not been prescribed in early outpatient care), can only be counterproductive (9) by altering the intestinal microbiota and, therefore, by promoting inflammation, the risk of fatal Clostridium difficile diarrhea and, above all, by allowing the translocation of bacteria resistant to antibiotics from the digestive sphere to the blood of the patient with fatal bacteremia.
These "effective" antibiotic molecules are known to be active on germs suspected of "cooperating" with the virus (mycoplasma, intracellular, periodontitis germs), whose population increases during local dysbiosis : pulmonary, oral or digestive. These “cooperating” germs are all colonized by the virus from the incubation of the coronavirosis.
They amplify, according to the patent cited above, the viral replication according to the “bacteriophage-like” effect. The effectiveness of these antibiotics, active on these "cooperating" germs, is explained by the blocking of the amplification of the replication of the virus in the "cooperating" bacteria: this is called the "virostatic" effect. These "cooperating" bacteria are present in certain patients whose comorbidities lead to dysbiosis. This indirect therapeutic proof validates the path opened up in 1990 by Luc Montagnier. It is this amplification which, together with the immune potential of the subject, explains the variable virulence from one individual to another. In the case of low pathogenic germs or viruses (this is the case of SARS-CoV-2 with 50% asymptomatic), it is the observed virulence (10). The amplifying mechanism is supposed to be, according to our hypothesis, a "mutualization" of the activity of RNA polymerases between the bacterium and the virus, hence the importance of associating zinc with the antibiotic because of its own activity on SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerases) (11).
FS: In 2020 and 2021, many Covid-19 infections degenerated into respiratory distress a priori due to the lack of early treatment. How can we explain that this is no longer the case today when most patients still do not benefit from these treatments?
C. Escarguel: The disappearance, at the end of 2021, of the pulmonary bacterium Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (MP), in monitoring centers around the world, noted by the team of Prof. Grueb and Bebear and published by P. Meyer Sauteur (12) at Lausanne Intracellular Congress (August 2022), could explain the disappearance of respiratory distress syndromes in 2022: syndromes linked to CARD toxin from MP and phospholipase A2 from mycoplasma: (13-14). Will this bacterial genocide linked to SARS-CoV-2 be lasting or will 2023 see a reappearance of pulmonary forms with the return of MP (cf. (15): Prof. Tcherakian )? The question remains.
Prof. Lina's studies show that the viral peaks of respiratory viruses are correlated with the peak of the pulmonary bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae, suggesting the amplifying role of the latter, not only for SARS-CoV-2 but also for influenza and bronchiolitis. . In other words, the reappearance of this bacterium could bring back respiratory distress caused by SARS-CoV-2 or possibly by influenza and bronchiolitis (16).
FS: What is your analysis regarding the “long covid”?
C. Escarguel: Micro-clots resistant to fibrinolysis leading to peripheral hypoxia, cognitive signs secondary to amyloid substances, anti-idiotype auto-antibodies, endotheliopathy, chronic inflammation and asthenia secondary to poor tissue oxygenation, are the major signs of post-infectious syndromes and long covid, with variables related to the toxins involved. However, the treatment of long covid, like that of post-infectious syndromes, should not be limited to the treatment of symptoms (neurological, endothelitis, micro-clots, linked to auto-antibodies, asthenia, dysbiosis), but it must above all combine alternatively symptomatic treatments to the treatment recommended by our study taking into account "bacteria/virus cooperation".
To do this, we are proposing to the health authorities, in partnership with the voluntary members of our patient association: Those suffering from long covid should participate in therapeutic research work based on our hypotheses, within the framework of a CPP, according to the protocol set out in the summary document drawn up for our future participation in the SPIL congress (Société de Pathologie Infectieuse de Langue française). This congress will take place in Nancy on December 8th and I am attaching the document for download here .
FS: Aren't you afraid that the use of your preventive antibiotic therapy will be blamed on you in the context of the fight against antibiotic resistance?
C. Escarguel: I will answer first of all that saving a life by using an antibiotic does not authorize this question! In addition, this early outpatient treatment, by making it possible to avoid the hospitalization of 15% of Covid-positive patients, therefore dispenses with treating hospital superinfections. The latter, large consumers of broad-spectrum antibiotics, lead to many resistances. A small preventive antibiotic extinguisher generates less resistance than a "curative antibiotic canadair".
FS: While it no longer seems possible to deny that early treatments work, what about the conditional authorization of “vaccines” which was conditional on the absence of treatment for Covid-19 disease?
C. Escarguel: If I believe the lawyers I consulted on this subject, the conditional marketing authorization for vaccines was subject to the absence of treatment for the disease or, according to the terms of the Regulations of the March 31, 2004, which served as the basis for the authorizations, the existence of an “ unmet medical need ”.
The principle, for the delivery of a traditional MA, is that the drug has been " subject to in-depth studies aimed at ensuring its safety, quality and efficacy of its use " ( Reg. No. 507/2006 of March 29, 2006, relating to the conditional marketing authorization of medicinal products for human use covered by Regulation No. 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council ).
Exceptionally, an MA, known as a conditional MA, may be issued before exhaustive clinical data has been communicated to the health authorities, " in order to meet the unmet medical needs of patients ", i.e. when, for a given disease, " there is no authorized treatment or, even if such a treatment exists, "the medicinal product concerned will bring a major therapeutic benefit to the patients ". This derogatory possibility is subject to the condition that " the benefit represented by the immediate availability of the medicinal product on the market outweighs the risks inherent in the fact that additional data remain to be provided " (Reg. 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 31 March 2004, establishing Community procedures for the authorization and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use ).
In the current state of knowledge and therapeutic certainties resulting from our work, the validity of conditional marketing authorizations for vaccines can be clearly questioned.
It is for this reason that we strongly oppose the followers of the “vaccination for all” religion, and we would limit it to cases at risk. Their advertising is currently bombarded on all televisions: “So we continue! which, relying on fear, would like to have everyone “vaccinated” and even children, does not result from factual scientific data “Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum”!
The bacteriophage mechanism study in electron microscopy is available here.
Bibliographie :
(1) Montagnier Pursues the Mycoplasma-AIDS -
(2) Procédé d'amplification des agents infectieux en diagnostic 'in vitro' sur cultures cellulaires
(3) Cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones / Santé
(6) Pre-infection of pigs with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae .. . ›
(7) Virus interactions with bacteria: Partners in the infectious dance
(10) Incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Mycoplasma ... - NCBI › pmc
(11) Blood clotting may be the root cause of Long COVID ... ›
(13) La molécule miracle : chronologie d'un espoir - myCANAL
(14) Les virus géants et l’origine des ARN polymérases des eucaryotes
3 à 4% des formes sévères ont une origine génétique, tandis que 10 à 11% s’expliquent par la présence d’auto-anticorps dirigés contre IFN 1 et qui bloquent leur action antivirale.
Afin de mieux comprendre la distribution de ces auto-anticorps dans la population générale non infectée et notamment l’influence de l’âge (l’essentiel des cas de formes sévères de Covid-19 concernent les plus de 65 ans), les auteurs ont comparé plus de 34 000 individus sains, classés par sexe et tranche d’âge, ils ont ainsi fait une découverte inattendue : la présence d’auto-anticorps.
(16) Incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Mycoplasma ... – NCBI- ›

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