Adam Gaertner : an 18 months tale, discovery of ivermectin and nomination for Nobel peace prize

Adam Gaertner lives in Arizona, USA, the heartland of America. He and his wife were running a web agency business creating touristic related websites. That business came to a standing halt with the pandemic and the lockdown. As for many other citizens, Adam had a lot of time on its hand and some serious interest into virology. Curiosity lead him to first try to understand what this virus was about, its form, its origin, its likely consequences on our body and what treatment could potentially cure Covid-19, the disease associated with the Sars-Cov2 virus.
In this complete debriefing, Adam explains how from February 2020, he was in touch with a Wuhan specialist, a woman, that provided him with a few hundred pages of research documents so that he could continue his quest. According to him, some of this documents revealed information about the virus, its implications for humans, among other information. This led him to exchange emails with Dr Fauci, which can be found on page 2286 of the Fauci Leaks. For instance, he sent Dr Fauci a formula of how Sars-Cov-2 could potentially be made, although he recognises that it had a lot of modified data. Few responses from Dr Fauci.
Using the information he had, he devised a potential treatment with a high dosage of vitamin C that he believes should be drip fed.
He and his wife caught the covid-19 in February/March 2020 and they experienced that treatment at various dosages before finding an optimum loading dose. However this was not sufficient because, as they decreased the dosage, the disease was coming back. Through some analysis of these documents and their research, they looked at the impact of the virus on the various organs of the human body, then looked for diseases that would impact the same organs – and associated treatment. That’s how in March of 2020, they came up with the idea of ivermectine.
The information was shared on his websites and social networks in order to spread the info with the added difficulty that, as he is not from the medical nor scientific field, he was faced with the barrier of credibility – the famous “who are you to come and tell us what we should do”.
Anyhow, from then on, he managed one way or another to get in touch with a number of doctors (Zelenko, Urso, Kory) in the United States, and also abroad, to speak about ivermectine. It was a special touch when he found out on facebook that some doctors wanted to have him nominated for a Nobel peace prize.
If you want to know more about it, and how Dr Urso spoke to vice president Pence about ivermectine in July 2020, watch this debriefing.
The biggest lesson learnt from that experience is around collective intelligence, as it is individual research linked with peer and third party reviews that helped in the process. If you have something interesting, one day someone will listen to you, never give up.
The protocol that was sent to Mike Pence
This is the final list of courageous doctors from around the world who are being nominated for the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE :
1. Adam Gaertner (USA) (not a doctor although he is in this list)
2. Ahmed Ismat (Egypt)
3. Alexis Lieberman (USA)
4. Allan Landrito (Philippines)
5. Alvaro Olavarría Aichele (Chile)
6. Andres Felipe Velasco Bedoya (Colombia)
7. Attila Merényi (Hungary)
8. Aurora Trujillo Figueredo (Peru)
9. Avani Gupta (USA)
10. Ben Marble (USA)
11. Bo Karlicki (Dominican Republic)
12. Bruce Boros (USA)
13. Carlos Martinez Alfaro (Mexico)
14. Carolina Muniz (Brazil)
15. Chelsea Belle Goodell (USA)
16. Darrel DeMello (India)
17. David E. Scheim (USA)
18. Dora Prokopp (Hungary)
19. Eder Hernandez (USA)
20. Enikő Vrbos (Hungary)
21. Erzsébet Pusztai (Hungary)
22. Faiq Gorial (Iraq)
23. Fred Wagshul (USA)
24. Gustavo Aguirre Chang (Peru)
25. Gustavo Carvalho (Brazil)
26. Hector Carvallo Viamonte (Argentina)
27. Hoyt Nelson (USA)
28. Jay Anthony Sanchez (USA)
29. James Roguski (USA)
30. Jean-Jacques Rajter (USA)
31. Jean-Pierre Kiekens (Canada)
32. Jennifer Hibberd (Canada)
33. Jhonny Tavárez Capellán (Dominican Republic)
34. John McFadden (USA)
35. Jorge Alfonso Lemus (Guatemala)
36. Jose Natalio Redondo Galan (Dominican Republic)
37. Jose Humberto Galindo (Mexico)
38. Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter (USA)
39. Juan José Chamie (USA)
40. Jussara Resende (Brazil)
41. László Csuja (Hungary)
42. László Hídvégi (Hungary)
43. Leon Caly (Australia)
44. Marc Wathelet (Belgium)
45. Mary Beth Pfeiffer (USA)
46. Mike Vickery (USA)
47. Patti Gilliano (USA)
48. Pierre Kory (USA)
49. Ramesh Naidu Kataru (India)
50. Rob Karas (USA)
51. Sajid Jamal (India)
52. Sándor Tóth (Hungary)
53. Sharron Mason (USA)
54. Traci Baker (USA)
55. Victor Hugo Nunez del Prado (Bolivia)
56. Vladimir Zev Zelenko (USA)
57. Zoltán Pető (Hungary)
58. Zsuzsanna Rago (Hungary)
59. Ah Kahn Syed (USA)
60. Andrew Hill (UK)
61. Anil Kumar Chaurasia (India)
62. Angelina Farella (USA)
63. Arezo Fathie (USA)
64. Bhanu Prakash (India)
65. Brian Tyson (USA)
66. Bruce Patterson (USA)
67. Chavdar Botev (Bulgaria)
68. Chris Hall (USA)
69. Chris Cave (USA)
70. Colleen Aldous (South Africa)
71. Craig Kelly (Australia)
72. Cristiana Altino de Almeida (Brazil)
73. Debra Hoffman (USA)
74. Dejan Dokic (Northern Macedonia)
75. Dharmendra Singh (India)
76. Eamonn Mathieson (Australia)
77. Edgar Vinicio Mondragón (Mexico)
78. Eduardo Alejandro Castillo Saavedra (Peru)
79. Eli Schwartz (Israel)
80. Eric Osgood (USA)
81. Fernando Zarzosa Salcedo (Peru)
82. Fernando Polanco Hinostroza (Peru)
83. George Fareed (USA)
84. Georgi Popov (Bulgaria)
85. Gustavo Elera Arévalo (Peru)
86. Harvey Risch (USA)
87. Ian Clayton (UK)
88. Ivo Petrov (Bulgaria)
89. Jackie Stone (Zimbabwe)
90. James Todaro (USA)
91. Jim Meehan (USA)
92. Joseph Varon (USA)
93. José Aníbal Córdova Masías (Peru)
94. Jozef Firment (Slovakia)
95. Juráj Mesík (Slovakia)
96. Justin Liegmann (USA)
97. Kanji Nakatsu (Canada)
98. Keith Berkowitz (USA)
99. Kerry Kirkman (USA)
100. Kylie Wagstaff (Australia)
101. Lauren Mickey (USA)
102. Lilija Chalakova-Dervishova (Northern Macedonia)
103. Lionel Lee (USA)
104. L’ubos Kabát (Slovakia)
105. Lucy Kerr (Brazil)
106. Manolo Fernandez (Peru)
107. Manuel Yui Cerna (Peru)
108. Mark Hobart (Australia)
109. Mary Rutherford (USA)
110. Martin Scholz (USA)
111. Matt Erickson (USA)
112. Michal Rezek (Czech Republic)
113. Miguel Antonatos (USA)
114. Mobeen Syed (USA)
115. Mogrovejo Ramos (Peru)
116. Naseeba Kathadra (South-Africa)
117. Ondrej Halgas (Canada)
118. Paolo Zanotto (Brazil)
119. Paul E. Marik (USA)
120. Pamela Rodgers (USA)
121. Paul Robert Vogt (Switzerland)
122. Pavol Török (Slovakia)
123. Peter A. McCullough (USA)
124. Peter Yim (USA)
125. Raphael Furtado (Brazil)
126. Ram Yogendra (USA)
127. Randy Grellner (USA)
128. Richard Urso (USA)
129. Robert Apter (USA)
130. Robert Clancy (Australia)
131. Roland Derwand (USA)
132. Ryan Cole (USA)
133. Sabine Hazan (USA)
134. Satoshi Omura (Japan)
135. Sebastian Ugarte (Chile)
136. Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (South-Africa)
137. Shashikanth Manikappa (India)
138. Simone Gold (USA)
139. Spas Petkov (Bulgaria)
140. Surya Kant (India)
141. Steve Kirsch (USA)
142. Syed Haider (USA)
143. Tarek Alam (Bangladesh)
144. Tess Lawrie (UK)
145. Thomas Borody (Australia)
146. Wlodzimierz Bodnar (Poland)
147. Werner Appelt (Germany)
148. William Crevier (USA)
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