"We need a mediation to stop this bloodbath" : Andrey Kortunov suggests Angela Merkel

Publié le 14 mars 2022 - 00:05
Andrey Kortunov : debriefing
Andrey Kortunov : debriefing

Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) director Andrey Kortunov provides his analysis regarding the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. To him, the main objective should be to create a favorable environment in order to obtain a ceasefire as quickly as possible and stop the “bloodbath”. Considering Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky dig their heels, in his opinion, the situation would require a mediation.

To that end, Andrey Kortunov deems that Angela Merkel, former German Chancellor, would be one of the most qualified candidate. She knows the two presidents, speaks Russian, and is a woman. Mr. Kortunov insists on this last point. To him, female empathy is a necessary quality in this kind of situation.


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