Peter McCullough : "The Big Menace is the Vaccine”

Publié le 18 octobre 2022 - 08:00
Pr. Peter McCullough
Pr. Peter McCullough

False allegation about the efficacy and safety of Sars-CoV-2 vaccines, under-assessment of product tolerability, missing data on immunogenicity, Peter McCullough commented on the serious clinical events caused by anti-Covid-19 injections. These events were underestimated by public health agencies, denied by the majority of the mainstream media and censored in international scientific journals which, since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, have accepted as the only articles those that present vaccines as safe and effective.


Peter McCullough then goes back to the censorship of information disseminated by social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. A censorship organized by the government, but also by the agencies such as the CDC, that required social networks to conform to the official narrative so as to quickly advance the vaccination program.

So, how do we fight this censorship? By reading books, says Peter McCullough, who invites the public to build a personal library. Books to learn the real story behind the suppression of early treatment or to understand pandemic preparedness planning. An incentive to read, but also to discover important documentaries like "Are the kids okay?" or "Safe and effective".   

Finally, in this new media universe, McCullough believes that only independent media is a reliable source of information about adverse events and the real effectiveness of these gene therapies.

The current picture is bleak, but Professor McCullough is confident that the truth will eventually triumph over widespread corruption, as the latest figures show that there is no longer public support for the vaccination policy advocated by the various health authorities.

However, given the scale of the disaster, the greatest challenge will be to limit the deaths, disabilities and injuries caused by vaccination. The stakes are high. It will be up to the medical profession to rise to this responsibility.

Professor Peter McCullough is an internal medicine specialist, cardiologist and epidemiologist. He practices both internal medicine, which also includes the management of common infectious diseases, and cardiovascular complications related to both viral infection and injuries that develop as a result of the Covid-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Professor McCullough has become a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster. He published "Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection", the first synthesis of the different treatments available and responding to the different phases of the disease for outpatients infected with SARS-CoV-2.

His expertise and understanding of the Sars-CoV-2 virus has allowed him to testify on numerous occasions before the U.S. Senate.



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