World Ivermectin Day : Tess Lawrie

Tess Lawrie came back to tell us about an upcoming event : world ivermectin day. Organized on July 24th, a big day of worldwide demonstrations, this gathering aims to put the treatments back in the spotlight.
See also: The ivermectine scandal, debriefing with Tess Lawrie
Considered by many to be the best hope in any category, ivermectin is now the treatment that works best to prevent and cure covid-19, its variants included ! Tess Lawrie would like to take this opportunity to remind the authorities that the evidences for ivermectin's effectiveness are so numerous we cannot longer ignore them, and that it is time to treat the living, rather than counting the dead. That being said, this will not be a day of blame, but rather a day of optimism. Tess Lawrie therefore invites doctors, citizens and artists to offer their testimony on the event's website so that we can come together and regain our freedoms.
Original version [English] :
French version : La journée mondiale de l'ivermectine, avec Tess Lawrie

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