Epictetus : "Anything that is not the current received official sanctioned opinion"

Publié le 03 octobre 2022 - 13:10
Miniature pour Epictetus
Epictetus: anonymous Canadian biologist

Epictetus, a doctor in biology, agreed to testify for FranceSoir anonymously. This choice can be explained by the vague of repression that has been unleashed on his country, Canada, since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic. 


In Canada, as in so many countries in the Western world, those who disagreed with the official narrative paid a high price. First and foremost, doctors and scientists. This repression or suppression has taken different forms. Directly, with the revocation, suspension or dismissal of those who put forward a viewpoint that differed from the authorized narrative. However, this suppression has also taken more subtle and insidious forms. Thus, the restriction or prevention of speech in professional meetings, the difficulty of publishing in scientific reviews, the suppression of subsidies and the erasure of 'dissenting' speech in the mainstream media are among the various modalities of control that infringe more or less freedom of expression, procedures that are similar to forms of censorship in varying degrees.

Censorship for which he blames the Canadian government and a Prime Minister who has constantly divided Canadians, ostracizing those who disagreed with the official narrative, particularly mandatory vaccination or early treatment (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D).



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