In Germany, justice is no longer independent of political power and does not act in the interest of citizens - Dr. Gunter Frank.

Publié le 15 décembre 2023 - 11:11
Gunter Frank
Dr. Gunter Frank is a general practitioner in Germany

As general practitioner in Germany, Dr. Gunter Frank was frequently invited to mainstream media for his numerous works on nutrition, as well as on the conflicts of interest within the pharmaceutical and medical industry.

Since he appeared publicly as a critic of the German crisis covid management, Dr. Frank is no longer invited to express himself in the media. He has extensively collaborated with Professor Bhakdi, who made a successful speech on medical science and the mRNA technology of vaccines, highlighting the risks outweighing the benefits.

There is little difference from what is happening in the United States or France, with the power in place continuing to disseminate misleading messages about vaccines and censoring any kind of opposition. He also mentions the capture of the legal system by politics in Germany.


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